Hello !
Lana preorder will open in less than one day now and I must say I am a little bit nervous !
I am alway nervous before opening a preorder even after years, each time I wonder if collector will love the doll or not.
So breath and wait
I wanted to let you know that I will be away from Toulouse this week end.
As some of you may know I am back to studies to become Shiatsuki for horses besides my dollmaking work.
And we have a Shiatsu cession this week end. This time we will work on human ! Can’t wait to discover this part of the job
The cession takes place in the countryside, I think should be able to check my emails with my phone, but probably not to answer, same for the layaways plan.
For this reason please don’t worry if you don’t have your layaways plan this week-end or answer to your email, I will be back on monday afternoon.
Thank you for your understanding and I hope everyone will enjoy their week-end !
Thank you for letting us know!
you’re welcome
I have been waiting many years for a doll like Lana! Mature girl dolls in 28cm range are difficult to find. Lillycat dolls are excellent quality, I know I will love my Lana forever!
Many people prefer larger dolls because they are easy to sew for. I can only sew by hand, so she is the perfect size. I like to take my dolls on adventures outside, again she is the perfect size! I hope the Chibbi line will be able to continue because I will be here for ever Chibbi size preorder!!
Thank you for your kind comment !
Happy to know you love the Chibbi size, I think it is a good size too as you can easily take her with you.
I love to sew by hands to so this size is good for that
Lillycat, I hope Shiatsu was lovely.
How is Lana’s sale going? I hope very much her sale is as expected. Because I need Chibbi Moon! And all the Chibbis!! Delfine Chaignet of Dark Tales is making some flower headbands for my Lana. I have many fabrics to make her some dresses. I am most excited about Chibbi size. Je deviens fou d’attendre, déjà!!!